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Djalma M. Falcão

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Biography:  Electrical Engineer (1971, UFPR), M.Sc. (1973, COPPE/UFRJ) and Ph.D. (1981, University of Manchester).  Professor Emeritus at COPPE/UFRJ, Vice-Director of INERGE, Senior Researcher at CNPq, Full Member of the Brazilian National Academy of Engineering, and Life Fellow of the IEEE.​​

He participated in approximately thirty-five collaboration projects with national and international companies and organizations, leading or participating in teams with other professors and students from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) on topics relevant to the electrical sector. Some of the institutions with which he collaborated on R&D projects include Light, Energisa, State Grid Brazil Holding, Cepal, Coelba, Eletrosul, GIZ, and ONS. He held important positions at UFRJ, such as a member of the University Council, president of the Deliberative Council of COPPE, and the Board of Directors of Coppetec. He also served as the Coordinator of the High-Performance Computing Center and the Electrical Engineering Program at Coppe. Additionally, he held roles in other institutions, including being an Advisor to the President of Eletrobras, attached to the Cepel management, coordinator of the Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Committee at CNPq, and Engineering Advisor at Faperj.

Title: "Challenges of the Energy Transition for the Electric Power Systems".

Abstract: The energy transition will bring several challenges for energy systems due to the variability of renewable generation, the increased presence of inverter-connected generation sources, the use of energy storage systems, new energy commercialization processes, and more. To address these challenges, planning and regulatory actions must be implemented, along with extensive training for current and future engineers. Additionally, new simulation tools and comprehensive research and development programs are essential.

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Rodrigo Limp Nascimento


Biography:  Rodrigo Limp Nascimento has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. He has a specialization in Regulatory Law and a master's degree in Public Sector Economics, both from the University of Brasília, and an Executive MBA in Electricity Company Management from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation.​​

He began his professional career at the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) in 2007 as a specialist in the regulation of public energy services. In 2015, he became a legislative consultant in the areas of energy, mining and water resources in the Chamber of Deputies. From May 2018 to March 2020, he served as director of Aneel and then as Secretary of Electric Energy at the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME). Since April 2020, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the National Electric System Operator (ONS). He was appointed President of Eletrobras in May 2021, a position he held until September 2022. From September 2022 to March 2023, he held the position of Director of Regulation and Institutional Relations at Eletrobras. Since April 2023, he has been Vice President of the Institutional Regulation and Market area.

Title: "Energy Transition - Challenges and Opportunities.".

Abstract: The energy transition aims to reduce carbon emissions to mitigate climate change, reducing the damage to the environment. In Brazil, the energy transition, which can help boost socio-economic development, will also need to consider energy security. In this context, the energy transition faces several challenges that can also create opportunities. Eletrobras, the country's leader in electricity generation and transmission, will play a key role in Brazil's energy transition to build a more sustainable energy future, with the creation of a secure, clean and renewable energy matrix.

Bamidele Adebisi

Manchester Metropolitan University

Biography:  Bamidele Adebisi, PhD, CEng, FIET is a Professor in Intelligent Infrastructure Systems, and Director of Smart Infrastructure and Industry Research Group at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, and  a Director/ Board Member of the African Hydrogen Partnership Trade Association (AHP). 

He received Master’s degree and Ph.D. in Communication Engineering both from Lancaster University, UK. Before that, he obtained B.Eng. Electrical Engineering from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. His research is in embedding sensing, communication, control, and data analytic technologies in critical infrastructure, i.e. water, energy, buildings, etc. He has published over 200 peer-review papers and given talks/panel discussions in the research areas of industry 4.0,  smart cities and communities, smart grids, clean energy and cyber physical systems. He has been part of multi-partner, multi-country, multi-million pound projects as an Investigator funded by the EPSRC, Innovate UK, DFID, BEIS, etc. He has a strong record of accomplishment of attracting industrial related grants through Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP). One such project received the UK Best KTP Project of the Year Awards in September 2020. Bamidele is a Fellow of IET, Senior member of IEEE, a Fellow of Higher Education Academy and a Chartered Engineer.

Title: "Green Hydrogen a key to Industrialisation and Decarbonisation: Prospects, challenges".

Abstract: In conjunction with solar and wind energy resources, large-scale green hydrogen represents a transformative approach to sustainable energy development, where hydrogen acts as a central player in decarbonising various sectors, especially the hard-to-abate ones such as the heavy-duty trucking, shipping, aviation, steel, chemicals, etc. This talk will discuss the roles of green hydrogen in energy transition- prospects, challenges, and plans. It will also present some concepts such as virtual pipelines and Hydrogen Valleys being considered in Africa and the rest of the World.


Mauricio Ezequiel Roitman

ITBA Universidad

Biography:  Mauricio E. Roitman is a consultant on energy economics, planning energy, and economic regulation, as well as a professor and manager at the university (ITBA). He has consulted for CAF, IADB, WB, OLADE, various government agencies, and top private companies in Argentina and the region. ​​

In public office, he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors (by public competition of merits) of the National Gas Regulatory Entity, ENARGAS (2018-2020), Undersecretary of Scenarios and Project Evaluation of the Ministry of Energy and Mining of the Nation, MINEM (2015-2018). He oversaw the National Coordination (Argentina) of OLADE, the head of the Argentine delegation of energy in G20 meetings (China, 2016; Germany, 2016/2017), the parliamentary liaison task of the MINEM, and the nomination of the Leader of the process of incorporating Argentina into the Initiative for the Extractive Industries Transparency (EITI). Previously, Mauricio was the head of consulting projects at Energy Consulting Services (ECS, an ENGIE/Tecpetrol company) and a legislative advisor on energy economics issues and utilities' economic regulation. In the academic field, He served as a professor in several postgraduate courses linked to energy (ITBA, CEARE-UBA, UB, and CACME-ITBA). He was a fellow (energy statistics) at the International Energy Agency (IEA), Harvard Kennedy School of Government (USA), and the Department of State (DOS-USA). He has published works in academic journals and notes in newspapers and specialized magazines. He is an economist (UADE) with a Master's degree in Economics (with distinction) from the University of Surrey (UK).

Title: "The Transformation of Regulation for the Energy Transition".

Abstract: There has been much discussion in recent times about the energy transition, climate change, and the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. These factors are affecting energy systems: electrical systems require more renewable energy and better network infrastructure to handle their intermittent nature; Natural gas networks also have serious dilemmas in the context of Net Zero objectives (¿Decommissioning? ¿Mix with H2?). Consumers are playing a more active role in the new energy model. Economic regulation in the energy sector has shifted its focus from ensuring affordable, reliable, and safe energy supply to promoting sustainability and decarbonization. Good regulatory governance is highlighted as essential for improving regional services. The primary objective of this presentation is to understand the changes in theoretical and applied economic regulation under the new challenges imposed by the energy transition.

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João Soares

Porto Polytechnic Institute

Biography:  João Soares is a senior IEEE member, having received his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, in 2017.​​

He is currently a Professor/Researcher at the Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Innovation and Advanced Development (GECAD) at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. He serves as the coordinator of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Task Force 3 on Computational Intelligence in the Energy Domain. His research interests include optimization in electrical and energy systems, spanning heuristic, hybrid, and classical optimization methods.

Title: "Renewable energy communities: concepts and distribution of benefits".

Abstract: In this lecture, we will explore the topic of energy communities, discussing key concepts such as individual and collective self-consumption. We will address these topics in light of the European Directive EU 2018/2001 and relevant Portuguese legislation. In the second part of the presentation, we will focus on a relevant technical-scientific issue: the fair and equitable distribution of economic benefits in energy communities. We will discuss and analyze some of the most current and innovative methods in the field, including the application of game theory, among other approaches.

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Ofonama Okon Archibong

SunElektrica Limited

Biography:  Ofonama Archibong is an Energy Expert with experience in infrastructure, energy, and climate change in Africa. He has expertise in project management, policy development, business modelling, technical advisory, research, and leadership, making him an asset in driving sustainable energy initiatives.​​

Title: "The Energy Transition: An African Perspective".

Abstract: With mounting concerns for the earth’s climate and the natural environment, the world has adopted several strategies to avoid global climate catastrophe and save humanity and indeed all of earth’s life from extinction. The “energy transition” is one such strategy because energy use is linked to over two-thirds of the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming and consequently climate change. As such, this two-word phrase has become a staple buzzword globally in the energy sector and among high-level political leaders who must factor sustainable resource utilization and sound environmental stewardship into their country’s development plans.

What then is the energy transition? Generally, it is a change in the source of primary energy supply to a new state in an energy system. However, in the context of climate change mitigation which the world is focused on today, it is the shift from fossil-based energy systems (coal, oil, natural gas) to zero-carbon, climate-friendly and renewable sources (solar, wind, hydro, energy storage etc.). It is important to note that the energy transition is not limited to electricity alone, it covers all energy forms and applications (buildings, transport, industry, etc.).

With a fair idea of the energy transition, it is also key to understanding it within the African context. Due to the unreliability of the grid, households and businesses opt for the use of generators which emit millions of tonnes of harmful CO2 and other polluting greenhouse gases that cause air pollution and hampers public health. While these generators initially emerged as “backup” solutions, they have become the mainstay of electric power supply in Africa. Africa’s electricity supply sector is multi-layered, so solutions must be adapted to reflect the realities of this structure.


Ruth Irwin

Teknologie Solutions Limited

Biography:  Dr. Ruth Irwin, Senior Partner, and Director of Research and Development at Tekinologie Limited, UK.
Ruth has a background in Electronic Engineering and has devoted a substantial part of her career to promoting sustainability and assisting organizations in achieving their net zero goals.

Her doctoral research focused on occupant-centric building management systems, leveraging the power of the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence.
Ruth's expertise lies in net-zero, clean hydrogen, and smart technologies including sensing, IoT, AI, and gamification. She has played a key role in developing sustainability policies, overseeing the implementation of several multimillion-pound net zero projects, and providing advisory services to various corporate boards. Additionally, Ruth is an accomplished author, regularly publishing technical and review articles in her field.

Title: "A Just Green Hydrogen Transition for Africa".

Abstract: Africa has such a wealth of resources and a unique potential to exploit low cost renewable energy to produce green hydrogen for both its domestic and international markets. Green Hydrogen, produced using renewable energy, could become the booster of a sustainable development of the continent, enabling African countries to reduce their environmental impact as well as to make them less dependent to fossil fuels which can create geopolitical issues too.
In addition, the development of Arican green hydrogen could be beneficial for European hydrogen transition. For this reason it is important that both the European Union and the African Union develop hydrogen policy and strategy in a mutually beneficial manner.
This presentation will highlight some of current and future hydrogen opportunities arising in Africa. It will also discuss how we can achieve a Just Green Hydrogen Transition for Africa.

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Bernardo Bezerra

Serena Energy

Biography:  Bernardo Bezerra holds a degree in Electrical and Production Engineering, a Master's and a PhD in Electrical Engineering. He is currently Head of Energy Platform, Regulation and Institutional Affairs at Serena, the biggest Brazilian renewable company, where he is responsible for renewable energy business in Brazil and in the Ercot market (Texas).​​

He formerly was Technical Director of PSR and led projects in the areas of: (i) integrated electricity and gas planning studies; (ii) energy auctions (bidding strategies, analysis and auctions designs); (iii) risk management; (iv) regulatory assessment and investor support; (v) tariff and market design; (vi) business strategy and (vii) economic evaluation of generation projects. He was a consultant to the World Bank, IDB and other multilateral institutions, with experience in more than twenty countries, including the USA, Vietnam, Turkey, Austria, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and all Central American countries. He is author and co-author of 2 book chapters and more than 40 articles published in local/international journals and conferences. He is a speaker at conferences and seminars in Brazil and abroad.

Title: "Data was about network, now is about power: how Brazil and Texas can take advantage of the AI boom?".

Abstract: Data usage has skyrocketed in recent years (90x since 2010), especially due to social media, streaming services, and now, artificial intelligence. This massive increase in data has led to a significant rise in energy consumption for data centers. In fact, energy costs make up for more than 70% of data center operating expenses. As a result, tech companies are seeking out places with abundant, affordable, and clean energy sources for their data centers. This shift in focus has moved away from simply being close to high-speed internet connections. This presentation will delve into how Brazil and the ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) market are positioned to meet this growing demand for energy-efficient data centers and how businesses can leverage these opportunities.


Eduardo Rodrigues de Lima

Eldorado Research Institute

Biography:  He is currently Research and Development Manager at the Eldorado Research Institute, in Campinas-SP, where he coordinates projects for digital transceivers and receivers, radio frequency front ends, ADCs, DACs, PLLs, wireless networks and the implementation of these systems in ASICs, FPGAs, SDRs or Embedded Systems. He is a CNPq Productivity in Technological Development and Innovative Extension scholarship holder.​​

He holds a PhD in Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), in Spain, in the area of concentration of Signal Theory and Communications, from the Department of Communications. He has a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Telecommunications, also from the UPV. He was a visiting researcher at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/Interuniversity Microeletronics Center - IMEC in Belgium. He holds a Specialization Degree in Mobile Communications from UPV in conjunction with Vodafone. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP - Ilha Solteira Campus, with an emphasis on Electronics. He is also an Electronics Technician from Colégio do Carmo and has professional training in General Mechanics from SENAI, both in Santos. As an entrepreneur, he was a partner in the company Idea! Sistema Eletrônicos, in Campinas. He has extensive professional experience in the area of wireless communications, having worked on or coordinated various projects in Brazil and abroad for companies such as NEC, VIVO, Telefônica and Ericsson. He regularly works as a Visiting Professor at UNICAMP's School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC), especially at DECOM, where he collaborates closely with various professors. He is currently coordinating R&D projects for ANEEL, EMBRAPII, ANP and Lei da Informática, as well as internal projects for the Eldorado Institute, all of which deal with Information and Communication Technology. He has an International Executive MBA from the Fundação Instituto de Administração -FIA. Eduardo is an amateur musician, singing and playing guitar, acoustic guitar and piano/keyboard.

Title: "The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in the Energy Transition ".

Abstract: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an important role in modern society. Just a quick glance around us, whether in our family, student, professional or leisure environments, and we'll soon notice the myriad of these technologies that we use in our daily lives. And we don't need to explain much to realize the advantages - and sometimes the disadvantages - of this omnipresence.  Every day we use and take advantage of several of these technologies, almost transparently, for our well-being and quality of life. Examples include broadband or premiere communication systems with fixed or mobile access; cloud computing; robotic process automation, i.e. RPAs (loved by some and perhaps hated by a larger number); mobile, desktop or web applications; platforms or websites, many of which make use of some Artificial Intelligence technique, encryption, authentication or some kind of digital certificate.   The advantages of using some of these and various other technologies for the success of the energy transition are obvious. Simple examples of the use of such technologies are the communication systems needed for managing and monitoring distributed energy resources; dedicated applications and hardware for controlling energy consumption, and demand-side management; consumer engagement applications; asset monitoring (e.g. solar plants and wind generators; interconnection and intelligent control of storage systems, electric vehicles, vehicle chargers (some of which can provide ancillary services) and solar panels.
In this presentation we will discuss some of the roles of Information Communication Technologies for a successful energy transition, and give some examples of how this can be achieved. We will also present contributions from the Eldorado Research Institute in this area.


Thiago Filipe de Matos


Biography: Manager of CEMIG's specialized green hydrogen nucleus, responsible for research, development and innovation projects related to hydrogen in the context of the energy transition and decarbonization.​​

For 22 years in the electricity sector, he has experience in generation, distribution, energy trading on the free market, commercial relations with corporate clients and teaching vocational training at SENAI. Electrical Engineer, Master of Business Administration Executive of the Electricity Sector - FGV and Master in Sustainable Development and Environmental Technology - IFMG. 

Title: "Challenges and opportunities for the introduction of green hydrogen in Brazil".

Abstract: Through recent experience in prospecting, developing and submitting research, development and innovation projects in response to ANEEL's strategic call for proposals No. 23/2024 - Hydrogen in the context of the electricity sector, the aim is to discuss the opportunities and main potential applications for green hydrogen in the Brazilian context and the next challenges to be overcome in order to mature the technology and develop new businesses related to the topic. 

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Luan Costa Silveira

Stemis Technology Services Ltda

Biography: Luan Costa Silveira is a specialist in commissioning and project management in the solar energy sector. With solid experience, he was directly responsible for 45 MWp commissioned in partnership with the MTR Solar group and for the management of 1 GWp in photovoltaic solar tracker projects.​​

 He also played a crucial role in the mechanical design of the TECSCI Tracker Control Unit (TCS-150). In addition, he is involved as a project executor and manager in computer simulations of photovoltaic solar trackers, making a significant contribution to the advancement of technology in the sector.

Title: "From Innovation to Implementation: Stemis' Contribution to Sustainable Energy".

Abstract: The talk will cover Stemis' technological innovations in the solar energy transition, with a focus on the commissioning of photovoltaic solar trackers, which are essential for maximizing efficiency in distributed and centralized generation plants. The development of the Tracker Control Unit (TCU) will be presented, with entirely national technology, which contributes to Brazil's technological autonomy in the photovoltaic sector, as well as the implementation of advanced monitoring systems for O&M, which are essential for ensuring the longevity and correct operation of the plants. Stemis is also participating in the development of an autonomous robot for cleaning solar modules and drones for thermographic inspection, optimizing the sustainable maintenance of systems. 

In addition, computer simulations applied to the optimization and certification of photovoltaic solar trackers will be discussed, as well as foundation and soil engineering projects for these solar plants. The application of artificial intelligence in award-winning projects, in collaboration with national and international institutions, reinforces Stemis' commitment to continuous innovation. These actions position the company as a key player in the technological evolution of the solar and industrial sector in Brazil.

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João Luiz Vieira Salomão


Biography:  Electrical Engineer graduated from UFMG, with a specialization in Data Science from USP. He has designed solar power plants of various sizes (residential, commercial, industrial and for rural installations).​​

Trainee at Santander, having developed Artificial Intelligence systems for the bank's technology department. He has been with CEMIG for 5 years, originally in the commercialization sector and now at the Distributed and Sustainable Generation Innovation Center.

Title: "Agrivoltaic systems and the future of rural electrification".

Abstract: Solar generation, both centralized and distributed, has been a reality in the country for at least a decade. Brazil is one of the countries that has seen one of the largest and fastest insertions of this technology into its energy matrix, which has led to the need for various adaptations on the part of entrepreneurs, distributors, regulators and others. Rural entrepreneurs, especially in the state of Minas Gerais, are one of the important players in this change, and they will be testing various future technologies. With this in mind, we're going to look at Agrivoltaic technology and discuss the next waves of innovation.

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Rodolfo A. Ribeiro de Moura

Federal University of São João del-Rei

Biography: He completed his undergraduate and master's degrees in electrical engineering at the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), São João del-Rei - MG, Brazil, in 2012 and 2014, respectively. â€‹â€‹

 He completed his PhD in electrical engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2018. He is currently a professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at UFSJ. His research interests include the following topics: electromagnetic modeling and transients, grounding, transmission line performance, lightning strikes and insulation coordination. He is the current coordinator of the Integrated Electromagnetic Research Laboratory (LAIPE), a researcher in the UFSJ High Voltage and Insulation Coordination Group (GATCI/CNPq) and a member of the National Institute of Electrical Energy (INERGE).

Title: "Impact of the statistical nature of atmospheric discharges".

Abstract: The transient behavior of the grounding grid is an important substation design criterion. This behavior is determined through interaction with impulsive currents typical of lightning strikes. Based on the technical literature, the behavior in question is determined by considering fixed current waves, with average parameters (peak values and front and tail times, etc.). Therefore, important statistical-probabilistic characteristics of atmospheric currents, such as correlations and statistical regressions, are not included. With this in mind, this research discusses the sensitivity of the impulsive impedance and effective area values of substation grounding meshes in relation to the waveform of typical first return stroke currents. The results illustrate the significant sensitivity of the transient behavior of grounding in relation to the statistical-probabilistic characteristics mentioned, considering a wide range of resistivities at both current injection points considered in this study.

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Allan Fagner Cupertino

Federal University of Juiz de Fora

Biography: ​

 received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) in 2013, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in 2015 and 2019, respectively.

He was a guest Ph.D. at the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University from 2018 to 2019. From 2014 to 2022, he was an Assistant Professor in power electronics at the Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET). Since 2023, he has been with the Department of Electrical Energy at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). His main research interests include renewable energy conversion systems, smart battery energy storage systems, cascaded multilevel converters, and reliability of power electronics. Prof. Cupertino received the President Bernardes Silver Medal in 2013, the SOBRAEP Ph.D. Thesis Award in 2020 and the IAS CMD Ph.D. Thesis Contest in 2021. He is a member of the Brazilian Power Electronics Society (SOBRAEP) and the Brazilian Society of Automatics (SBA). In 2024, he became an IEEE Senior Member and researcher at the National Institute of Electrical Energy (INERGE).

Title: "Next-generation energy storage systems based on second-life batteries with modular multilevel architecture".

​Abstract: Second-life batteries are ones that have reached the end of their “automotive” life but still have a residual capacity of about 70-80%. Therefore, these batteries can be used in stationary applications after their initial lifecycle is over. This talk aims to highlight the main limitations and challenges of conventional battery energy storage systems (BESS) technology when second-life batteries are considered. It investigates the potential of an alternative architecture inspired by the structure of modular multilevel converters. This approach, hereinafter referred to as iBESS, allows us to overcome the limitations of the conventional approach, in addition to presenting high efficiency, modularity, and scalability. The iBESS architecture allows charging batteries with different currents, enabling the use of second-life batteries, and increasing the BESS safety and fault tolerance. Simulation and experimental results allow us to understand the advantages and challenges associated with this approach.


Vitor Hugo Ferreira

Fluminense Federal University

Biography:  He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on Systems and Control from the Federal University of Itajubá (UNIFEI) (2002), a Master's degree (2005) and a PhD (2008) in Power Systems from the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Engineering Research (COPPE/UFRJ).​

He is currently associate professor level 3 and deputy head of the Electrical Engineering Department at Fluminense Federal University (UFF). He served as chair of the Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Chapter of the IEEE Rio Section from 01/2015 to 03/2018, a society of which he has been a Senior Member since August 2017. He was coordinator of the Power Systems Technical Committee of the Brazilian Society of Automation (SBA) from 01/2019 to 12/2020. In 2017 he was awarded first place in the V Excellence in Teaching Award promoted by the Pro-Rectory of Undergraduate Studies of the Fluminense Federal University (PROGRAD/UFF). In the same year, he was awarded FAPERJ Notice 03/2017 - Young Scientist Program of Our State. He has been coordinating research, development and innovation (R&D&I) projects since 2008, contributing to the development of computational intelligence solutions for the energy sector. He has experience in electrical power systems, computational intelligence and decision support systems, working mainly on the following topics: analytics, machine learning, computational intelligence, time series analysis and forecasting, fault diagnosis, maintenance planning, asset management, optimization and smart grids.

Title: "Data-Driven Decision Making - Applications in Energy Systems".

Abstract: The increased processing capacity of computers, together with the massive availability of data from a wide variety of processes, provides the ideal environment for the application of advanced statistical techniques for extracting knowledge, transforming data into information and thereby generating value for corporations. Involving concepts such as Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, these applications are fundamental to the dissemination of a data-based culture and can therefore be understood as data-based decision support systems. In this lecture, Prof. Vitor Hugo Ferreira will present some results of the application of data-based decision-making techniques to solve problems in Electric Power Systems.

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Joel David Melo Trujillo

Federal University of ABC

He holds a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2006), a master's degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2010) and a doctorate in Electrical Engineering from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2014).

He is currently an adjunct professor class C level 3 at the Federal University of ABC and an IEEE Senior member. He has experience in Electrical Engineering, with an emphasis on spatial modeling for analysis of electrical distribution networks, working mainly on the following topics: spatial forecasting of electrical demand, spatial simulation of electric vehicle charging, spatio-temporal estimation of the insertion of photovoltaic systems in urban areas and identification of regions vulnerable to commercial losses.

Title: "Impacts of Vertical Urban Growth and Climate Change on Distribution Network Planning".

Abstract: In recent years, climate change has intensified heat waves and cold fronts, exacerbated by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, vertical growth in metropolises, with the construction of tall buildings, causes shading on neighboring roofs, reducing the generation of photovoltaic solar energy. These changes have a direct impact on the amount of energy that utilities need to buy, forcing them to take part in emergency auctions at high prices to ensure that consumers are served. This talk will present the results of a study in a city in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, showing how vertical urban growth and rising temperatures affect the purchase of energy by the distributor. The presentation will highlight the importance of integrated strategies and sustainable energy policies to ensure the resilience and efficiency of distribution networks.

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Leonardo Willer de Oliveira

Federal University of Juiz de Fora

Biography:  Leonardo Willer de Oliveira has been an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Energy at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) since 2010. He has a bachelor's and master's degree in Electrical Engineering from UFJF and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/COPPE, completed in August 2009.​

Leonardo was the representative of the Power Systems area of the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPEE) at UFJF from 2017 to 2019 and President of the IEEE Minas Gerais Section from 2022 to 2023. Leonardo is co-leader of the CNPq-registered research groups SMART4GRIDS (Systems Markets, Analytics & Renewable Transitions for Grids), GOHB (Heuristic and Bioinspired Optimization Group) and GOPT (Power Systems Optimization Group). Leonardo has contributed to the development of power system models for the Electric Energy Research Center (CEPEL) through his participation in various research and development projects. His research interests include power and energy systems, with experience in the following topics: planning, operation, reliability, state estimation, applied optimization and artificial intelligence.

Title: "Operation of Energy Communities Considering Storage Systems under Uncertainty".

Abstract: The operation of energy communities considering multiple resources, such as photovoltaic and storage systems, is a current topic of research. The organization of energy communities has been used as a way of dealing with the challenges of operating renewable energy systems. Within this scope, this presentation aims to model the operation of energy communities based on market principles, subject to uncertainties about the systems. Operational flexibility from storage systems is considered in the decision-making process in order to help manage the community. The problem is modeled as two-stage stochastic programming in which energy and flexibility decisions are made prior to operation (here-and-now decisions), while flexibility activation decisions (wait-and-see) are made during the realization of uncertainties.

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Antonio Carlos Zambroni de Souza

Federal University of Itajubá

Biography:  He holds a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1987), a master's degree in Electrical Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1990) and a doctorate in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo Canada (1995).​

He is currently a full professor at the Federal University of Itajubá, having been a visiting professor (CAPES scholarship) at the University of Wisconsin - Madison in 2000. In 2008 he was at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, funded by CNPq. He works in the area of stability of electrical systems, with special emphasis on voltage stability in transmission and distribution systems. In 2014 he was at UPC, Catalonia, funded by CNPq, and in 2020 at Ryerson University, Canada. His sub-themes are voltage and reactive power control and electrical loss analysis. He was associate editor of the journal Controle Automação and in 2013 he became associate editor of the Journal of Control, Automation Electrical Systems. Since 2015 he has been Associate Editor of IET-RPG (Renewable Power Generation), a journal coordinated by The Institution of Engineering and Technology in the UK. He has been a reviewer for national and international journals and conferences. A member of CAPES' Area Commission for Engineering IV, he took part in the triennial/quadrennial evaluation of the country's postgraduate courses in 2010, 2013 and 2017. He is a Fellow Member of the “IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology” and an Honorary Member of the Theodomiro Santiago Assistance Course, CATS, in Itajubá.

Title: "Implementing a microgrid on a university campus".

Abstract: With the growing penetration of energy from renewable sources, academia must come up with solutions to problems associated with intermittency and operation. To this end, UNIFEI is setting up a living laboratory that allows the analysis of different operating conditions and studies of the electricity market. To this end, the laboratory will have photovoltaic generation, storage units and computer resources that allow these characteristics to be studied.

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Henrique Braga

Federal University of Juiz de Fora

Biography:  Henrique AC Braga has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil, in 1982 and a PhD in Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil, in 1996.​

Since 1985, he has been teaching Basic Electronics and Power Electronics at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. From 2005 to 2006, he was enrolled in a post-doctoral cooperation program at the University of Oviedo, Gijon, Asturias, Spain. Dr. H. Braga has authored or co-authored around 200 scientific papers in technical conferences and peer-reviewed journals. He has also co-authored six book chapters. Prof. H. Braga is a Senior Member of the IEEE and served the Institute as President of the Brazil Council from 2010 to 2011. He also chaired the Brazilian Society of Power Electronics (Sobraep) from 2014-2015 and was the editor-in-chief of the Brazilian Journal of Power Electronics from 2012 to 2013.

2012 a 2013. Prof. Braga's research interests are mainly related to the Energy Field of electronics, especially in electronic lighting systems and renewable resource applications. Since 2022 he has been Director of the School of Engineering at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, with duties until 2026.

Title: "Tribute to the 110th anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering at UFJF".

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Eduardo Bento Pereira

Federal University of São João del-Rei

Biography:  He has a doctorate and a master's degree in Electronic Engineering and Systems and Control from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA (2013, 2008). (2013, 2008) and has a degree in Electrical Industrial Engineering from the Federal University of São João del-Rei (2006).​

Eduardo is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Department, coordinates the Robotics and Assistive Technologies Center at UFSJ and the educational robotics educational robotics program of the Brazilian Robotics Olympiad (OBR). He is a member of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Electrical Energy (INERGE). He has practical experience in the field of Electrical Engineering, with an emphasis on Instrumentation and Automation and works with teaching, research, development, extension and innovation in robotics, artificial intelligence, assistive technologies, educational robotics and creative learning.

Title: "An awakening to science through active learning approaches and Creative Learning".

Abstract: The lecture explores science communication through creative learning and other activities using active learning approaches. Methodologies will be discussed that transform learning into an interactive experience, motivating scientific curiosity and curiosity and critical thinking. Through practices that involve creation, experimentation and collaboration, the speaker will present how these strategies can make science more accessible and engaging for different audiences, promoting teaching that goes beyond the traditional and inspires that goes beyond the traditional and inspires a new generation of thinkers and innovators.

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