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We are happy to announce that poster submission for the 2024 IINCEE is now open!

The deadline for submission is from June 8, 2024 to August 5, 2024.

Poster Submission Instructions

To ensure the standardization of work, we ask that you follow the following guidelines:

  • Poster Size: The poster must have dimensions of 90 x 120 cm, known as A0 format;

  • The cost of printing the poster will be borne by INERGE;

  • File Format: Posters must be sent in PDF format;

  • Shipping: Posters must be sent via the link available on our website;

  • Posters are subject to evaluation. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent to the participant by August 23, 2024.

Attached is the model to be followed:



Note: Feel free to change the size of fonts and sections on your poster, as long as you maintain the 90 x 120 cm format.

We look forward to seeing your work!

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